Hip hop jewelry consists of ornate and luxurious ornaments that were originally designed as status symbols. While the wearer may be referred to as "chilled", it is also known as "bling bling," and "bling" hip hop jewelry is categorized according to the use of diamonds and gold. Different styles of hip hop jewelry have changed over time, from yellow gold to white and white gold, but the purpose of showing off and being seen is still the same. Women with hip hop jewelry in their hands were status symbols of wealth and prestige. Many hip-hop artists adorned themselves with designer fashion brands and dazzling jewelry to symbolize and celebrate their journey to success. Specific hip-hop jewelry first appeared in the early to mid-1980s, when the first hip-hop bands and MCs burst onto the scene. Pioneering rap icon Kurtis Blow started the trend of wearing multiple necklaces at the same time. Many of his necklaces featured large, oversized emblems. Another hip-hop legend, the group operated DMC, who introduced the style of wearing chunky gold necklaces over sportswear. Many of these gold necklaces are the thickness of rope. Although he did not participate in the rap scene, he also promoted a look of wearing many flashy gold necklaces at the same time. Flava Flav, from Public Enemy, took this style a step further by wearing a large clock around his neck with a gold necklace. In the early days of hip-hop, gold was the standard color and material for jewelry. This changed in the 1990s with the emergence of the extravagant looks of Jay-Z and P. Diddy, artists who brought in a new era of designer clothing and platinum jewelry, where white gold, silver and diamonds became fashionable. Soon, the more hip-hop jewelry set in diamonds, the better. Grills, or "grillz", were a way to cover teeth with diamonds. Some grills even had messages or names on them and could be customized. Hip hop jewelry has since gotten a new name. The term "bling bling" was coined in the late 90s to describe the glamorous, ultra-chic nature of hip-hop jewelry. Rich millionaires are credited with coining the term. Later, the word "bling" emerged into the mainstream and has its own style. There is now a wide selection of affordable "bling" decorated with cubic zirconia and faux gold. Hip hop jewelry includes belt buckles, bracelets, necklaces, chains, rings, dog chains, earrings and watches.